Geocell For Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control

Geocell For Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control

Geocell is a three-dimensional cellular confinement system that stabilizes soil and makes roads, driveways and trails stronger. It’s also effective for preventing erosion and making slopes stable.

These unique cells are perforated to allow water to move freely through them, reducing stress and allowing for better distribution of the load. They also feature a 1.5+/-0.1mm rhomboidal indentation texture to keep fill in place.

Stabilizes Soil

Without geocells in the ground, soil can get beat down and spread out by heavy traffic or environmental factors like extreme weather. When geocells are in place, the walls of each cell confine the soil and prevent it from moving or becoming too compacted. This helps to make the ground strong and reduces the risk of erosion.

The perforations in the cells also allow water to flow through, which keeps the soil moist and helps it retain its structural strength. These features combined with the three-dimensional confinement impede lateral movement and increase slope stability.

These geosynthetic erosion control solutions can be used in a variety of applications including slope stabilization, channel lining, and construction of unpaved roads and retaining walls. They can be installed quickly and easily and don’t require the use of heavy machinery.

In addition, they can be filled with a wide range of materials from local soils to gravel and concrete. This helps to keep costs down by reducing the need for expensive materials that need to be shipped in. This also helps to protect the environment by keeping these waste products away from landfills.

In addition, these geocells are non-toxic and non-hazardous, which makes them suitable for use near water sources. This is important because it reduces the risk of water pollution from Geocell chemical pollutants or toxins that may otherwise be introduced into lakes and ponds.

Prevents Erosion

Erosion is a problem on slopes, and the three-dimensional honeycomb structure of Geocell provides protection from erosion by confining soil. This helps to reduce the risk of failure by preventing washout due to water action or other erosive forces, and it also allows vegetation to grow and stabilize the soil.

Unlike planar geosynthetics that rely entirely on the tensile strength of materials and interface friction, geocells use their interconnected cellular network to improve load-carrying capacity. The geometry and configuration of a geocell reinforcement system play a critical role in its performance and are influenced by many factors, including the infill soil, native soil, and the cell material.

In contrast to traditional construction methods, which require extensive quarrying of material for slope stabilization, a Geocell system is able to be built with local materials, reducing the impact on the environment. Its cells can be filled with soil, concrete, or plants to further stabilize the slope and increase its tensile strength.

The cells of a Geocell are made from high-density polyethylene, which has the ability to resist bending loads in the plane of application. They are produced in a perforated structure and adhered together with special ultrasonic welding technology at the factory before being sent to the site in strips. This ensures rapid drainage and easy compression of the fill material inside. Pokharel [16] conducted model studies with two types of infill soil, one insensitive to moisture and the other sensitive to moisture, and found that both showed an apparent cohesion improvement.

Reduces the Risk of Failure

A geocell’s structure is based on a three-dimensional honeycomb grid that interlocks to secure rocks, soil, sand or other infill materials. This system prevents erosion and provides load support to the planting soil. Originally developed for military roads, geocells now serve gabion mesh factory a variety of purposes, including road construction, slope stabilization, slope erosion control, channel protection and retaining wall projects.

Unlike traditional construction methods, the geocell’s three-dimensional structure allows for the use of local, inexpensive infill materials that reduce overall project costs. This material may include poor-graded and inferior aggregates, as well as quarry waste or recycled materials. Using these infill materials helps reduce landfills and protects the environment.

A few manufacturers are promoting a Fabricated Inelastic Blend (FIB) to cut manufacturing costs and increase geocell stiffness with recycled or unpublished polymer materials. While this may cut manufacturing costs, it significantly affects long-term performance and accumulated plastic strain in a geocell.

When used to support a roadway, geocells keep dirt in place and reduce the need for deep digging, minimizing work site risks. They also reduce dust levels and improve air quality at the construction site, providing a safer working environment for both workers and motorists. Geocells also provide a barrier that reduces wind erosion and helps to stabilize the soil. This is particularly important for roads built on soft soils, such as clay, peat bogs or sandy soils.

Environmentally Acceptable

Since geocells do not require heavy equipment during installation, they are environmentally friendly. Unlike the concrete or steel reinforcement systems used to stabilize slopes, they can be built without significant quarrying of material or other substantial environmental impacts. Moreover, the cells can be filled with a wide variety of infill materials that do not have to be the high-quality aggregate instructed for geogrids. This allows contractors to use on-site infill and saves on transportation costs.

The cellular structure of the geocells provides effective confinement for the infill soil, preventing its spreading and erosion on the slope. This translates into enhanced slope stability, preservation of landscape integrity, and improved load support for pavements. The cell-based system also facilitates drainage and water flow, mitigating the risk of clogging in drainage channels and canals.

When designing a retaining wall using geocells, engineers must keep in mind the interaction between two different categories of soil: the soil that is placed inside the cells (infill soil) and the soil surrounding the cell walls (native soil). A thorough review of these properties will help engineers choose the best design for a project. A reputable supplier of geosynthetics, such as Singhal Industries, will provide this vital information to clients before the sale. This way, customers will be able to select the most appropriate design for a given situation.

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