Bentonite Waterproof Liner

Bentonite Waterproof Liner

Bentonite is a naturally occurring clay that becomes waterproof when it absorbs water. However, it will not form a compressive seal on its own. In addition, it will need something to confine it and stop it from spreading.

GCL is a new geosynthetics, taking natural sodium bentonite as material and fixing it between two layers of geotextile by special process to make a bentonite waterproof blanket, with all the characteristics of geotextile materials and excellent water (infiltration) performance.

Active Waterproofing

The bentonite in Bentonite waterproof liner is a special clay that has the unique ability to absorb and hold water. It is capable of expanding up to 18 times its dry volume when hydrated with moisture, creating a high-performance impermeable barrier. This makes it an ideal material for waterproofing construction projects. Unlike traditional cold or hot fluid applied waterproofing systems, bentonite does not require heat to activate, making it easy and safe to install.

However, like any exterior coating, bentonite can only provide a good seal against ground water intrusion if it is properly installed. Small gaps or missed spots can allow water to seep into the basement. Therefore, you should use a company that can guarantee full coverage.

Bentonite liners are often used in underground construction, including elevator pits, tunnels, earth covered structures, and lagging walls. They also work well in blind side applications for foundation walls and shafts. They are particularly effective in conditions where seismic activity or settling may occur.

SWELLTITE is a bentonite composite waterproofing membrane that combines passive and active barriers to Bentonite waterproof liner substantially reduce the possibility of leaks. It consists of a thick layer of sodium bentonite compound integrally bonded to a tough geomembrane liner, forming a true dual waterproofing system. The bentonite compound layer expands upon hydration with water to fill and block cracks, reducing the risk of leaks from ground settlement or concrete shrinkage. It is also manufactured to a factory controlled thickness, ensuring consistent installation. The system is virtually zero VOC, and can be installed in all weather conditions.


Bentonite is an all-natural clay that swells up to 15 times its weight when it gets wet. When this happens, it seals around any penetrations and self-heals punctures. Because of this, it is much better suited for lining pond excavations than conventional concrete liner materials. It also offers superior hydraulic performance. Sodium bentonite is a naturally occurring clay with an affinity for water. When hydrated, it can expand to several feet in length, sealing all leaks in the process. The expanded bentonite also provides a self-seaming capability in the overlap areas of the sheet membrane.

The bentonite is bonded to the top and bottom of the geomembrane with a layer of tough polypropylene. This makes it a durable and long-lasting material. It is also very resistant to cracking and abrasion. It is also non-toxic and environmentally sustainable.

CLAY-TITE is a multi-layered bentonite clay waterproofing system that combines the swelling properties of bentonite with the strength of virgin high-density polyethylene and a protective layer of non-woven polypropylene fabric. The HDPE provides the first layer of waterproofing while the bentonite’s self-sealing capabilities ensure puncture protection under hydrostatic conditions. The additional layer of polypropylene fabric protects the bentonite on the job site and from direct shotcrete installation. It is suitable for both vertical and horziontal applications.


A bentonite liner is a great choice for ponds, and is more durable than other liner options. It is also easy to install and offers long-lasting protection from water damage. It can also be installed in any weather conditions, and requires no special equipment. The only downside is that it can be expensive, especially for larger projects.

Bentonite waterproof liners are often used to line landfills and other underground structures. This is because they are impermeable and offer high resistance to mechanical loads. They are also more environmentally friendly than traditional lining materials. However, bentonite liners can deteriorate over time. For this reason, it is important to use the right liner for your project.

The durability of a bentonite liner is determined by the adsorption capacity of the clay mineral (montmorillonite). It is an excellent material for this purpose because it can adsorb up to 12 grammes of water per gram of bentonite. This capacity is due to the fact that bentonite contains a monatomic ion of natrium, which can expand the pores and bind water molecules.

At a test site of VAM at Wijster, sand-bentonite mixture liners built in 1982 have been examined for the occurrence of soil structure formation, plant roots and animal activity. The hydraulic permeability, dry bulk density and bentonite content have been measured on the basis of samples taken from the liner with infiltrometer rings.


Bentonite waterproofing is a cost-effective alternative to traditional rubber pond liners. Its unique chemical properties allow it to swell when it is exposed to moisture, forming a seal around foundation walls and structures. This prevents water from infiltrating buildings and structures, which can cause mold growth, wood rot, and damage to the structure’s foundation.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, bentonite waterproofing is also durable and easy to install. It can be sprayed on existing concrete or applied in thin sheets to new construction projects. This method of waterproofing is particularly effective when used in the basement or cellar area of a house, as it reduces the risk of water seepage through cracks in the foundation and walls.

Stratec’s Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCL) are needle punched and thermally locked with premium grade natural sodium bentonite. They efficiently protect below ground reinforced concrete structures from the geotextile fabric suppliers penetration of water and attack by aggressive chemicals.

GCL’s are manufactured using a combination of woven and non-woven geotextiles and high-performance granular bentonite, which is needle punched to ensure that it is fully integrated with the liner. When hydrated, the bentonite swells to form a low permeability layer of clay with the hydraulic protection of several feet of compacted soil. This ensures that the lining is impermeable and eliminates leakage, which can contribute to the loss of water resources.

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